Our international workshop on "Ethical dilemmas in strategical and operational cybersecurity at State level" in Lausanne, Switzerland will begin with a focus on ethical issues in day-to-day operations for penetration testers, operators of critical infrastructure, and CERTs providing technical reaction to threats. Towards the end, we will broaden the scope to furthermore look at value-driven creation of new regulations and standards.
Program Overview
SESSION 1: Ethical dilemmas for pen-testers and operators of critical infrastructure
SESSION 2: Ethical dilemmas during technical reaction
KEYNOTE: Cyberpeace requires Free Software
SESSION 3: Protecting values in strategic plans for better cyber security
SESSION 4: Enforcing the law in cyberspace
SESSION 5: Approaches for knowledge-based collaborative solutions
Keynote speakers
Melanie Rieback, Radically Open Security
Benjamin Kunz Mejri, Evolution Security GmbH
Stephane Bortzmeyer, AFNIC
Freddy Dezeure, Independent management consultant
Tomi Tuominen, F-Secure
Reto Inversini and Andreas Greulich, MELANI
Richard M. Stallman, The GNU Project
Manuel Suter, National Coordination Center (Switzerland)
Nouschka Auwema, NCSC-NL
Juha Röning, Universtiy of Oulu
Harald Zwingelberg, ULD Schleswig-Holstein
Stephan Walder, Staatsanwaltschaft II des Katons Zürich
Daniel Plohmann, Fraunhofer FKIE
Martin Dion, Kudelski Security